Even if you think you don’t need a good credit score because you aren’t going to buy a house, consider this; landlords and employers check your credit score as well.
Even if you think you don’t need a good credit score because you aren’t going to buy a house, consider this; landlords and employers check your credit score as well.
There are abundant ways to increase your income and net worth. But, while you are pursuing your financial goals, remember to drink in the enjoyment of the wealth and good fortune you already have.
When someone starts out a comment with, “You may not like what I have to say, but……”, I know I definitely will not like it!
Now, it’s your turn, write in and share HOW YOU MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR PASSION.
What does this say about our society and an institution that the revenues of a football program supersedes the heinous abuse of children?
I understand that there are many problems both in the US and abroad, but sometimes it just makes sense to explore the situation a bit more. So, turn off the talking heads for a minute and entertain the possibility that the economy might be improving.
“When making a choice between two options, only consider what’s going to happen in the future, not which investments you’ve made in the past. The past investments are over, lost, gone forever. They are irrelevant to the future.” Seth Godin
It’s taken me awhile to wrap my head around the objective of the Wall Street Protests. And I’m not the only financial blogger questioning the protests. Lazy Man and Money wanted someone to explain the protests to him. I get that there is high unemployment and even though we bailed out the banks, there are still a lot of folks who can’t pay their mortgages or refinance at a lower rate. But what exactly and specifically do the protesters want Wall Street to Do?
She repeatedly asks herself, “Do I really need it?” Well, of course she doesn’t need it, but there is no logical reason not to treat herself to the jewelry. Unfortunately, even after making the plunge and purchasing the beautiful bracelet, she continues to be racked with guilt and worries that she spent too much.
The Book Of Mormon shows how success takes many forms. If you believe in yourself and keep trying, success may follow.
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