Are you a millennial hoping to get a decent job, find a partner, make some money, buy a house, and get off Mom and Dad’s couch? Then this article is for you.
In order to be successful in life, you need to take care of life’s basics. You likely realize that childhood is over and it’s time to step up and take responsibility for your life. Here are the top sites to give you guidance, information and the nudge you need for financial success.
Top Money Sites for Millennials
The College Investor-Robert Farrington, founder of this site is a model money educator for millennials. He offers a wealth of free tools and advice geared towards those diving in to adulthood. In particular, his Ultimate Guides are gems; The Ultimate IRA Contribution Guide, The Ultimate Guide to Saving for Retirement, and The Definitive Guide to Student Loan Debt are great places to start.
Stacking Benjamins-Joe’s blog is always a fun read. With actionable and sensible information, his site reads like a magazine, you don’t want to put down. Not only does Joe’s advice shine online, but he’s author of several well regarded podcasts. And if you’re looking for a ‘money course’ he’s out with a new one. My take, you’ll learn something about money and have some fun along the way.
Frugal Confessions-Amanda drills down into living large on a budget. She knows how to squeeze every last cent out of a nickel, while having extra cash for luxuries as well! I can vouch for her Drugstore Game Book and her kits and courses will set you on sound financial footing. She’s traveled the world, saved while unemployed and is willing to teach you, as well.
The Penny Hoarder-Kyle offers up the absolute best “tested” ways to make money. Both on and off-line Kyle has tried them all. Coming from a modest background, he has pulled himself up by his figurative bootstraps to corral hundreds of actual ways to make money. Millennials, one of the best ways to get out of mom’s basement of course, is to make more money.
Young Finances-Latisha is smart, helpful and a great guide to have in your living room (via video). Unique to Young Finances, her Start Up info is great if you’ve ever thought about starting a business. Check out her YouTube channel and before you know it, you’ll be laughing (all the way to the bank). I enjoyed The Bottle Budget | Get Real Shoebox Budget for a great laugh along with a hands-on approach to creating a ‘real budget’.
Budget’s Are Sexy-J. Money, founder of both Rock Star Finance and Budget’s are Sexy, has a way about him. He’s generous with his information and a delight to follow. A few recent articles touch on the journey of one family of 8 living on $5,000 per month and spending about $1.00 per meal per person. He’s also got a few other side hustles, sure to inspire today’s millennial.
Len Penzo dot com-I couldn’t leave Len off this list. His wisdom, his Aunt’s advice, his 100 word essays, Black coffee series, and How I Live on $40,000 per year or less series, will keep you informed and entertained. You will learn a lot by following his consumer product tests with neighborhood kids and store brands. In keeping with the ‘humor’ theme, daytime engineer, nightime blogger, Len Penzo will help make you rich and happy.
Broke Millennial-According to Erin’s ‘about section’ of her website, “I started this site to increase financial literacy — mostly through telling funny financial tales from my own life and sneaking in an actual money lesson. Now that I’m no longer on parental welfare, I’m trying to survive the financial burden of living in New York City and simultaneously develop a respectable net worth on my meager salary.” Her self deprecating and well written description is an intro into the unvarnished ‘wisdom’ you’ll get from this millennial. Read about Erin’s Easter Egg Hunt and accompanying money lessons on her blog. It’s sure to give you a laugh.
Money Under 30-David, the CEO of Money Under 30 alleges that being good with money is more about psychology than math. If you think he may have a point (and I do), then you should check out this old-school blog for millennials. With a free ‘money course’ and stories covering budgeting, banking, real estate, cars and more, there’s something here for everyone. With many millennials eschewing marriage for ‘living together’ I found this “How Do You Split Expenses With Your Partner or Spouse” informative and down to earth. Before signing the lease, read this primer.
The Money Counselor-Kurt, of the Money Counselor holds both a BS and MBA degrees and owns a robust history of business and entrepreneurial experience. His work as a credit counselor offers a special insight into how to get out and stay out of debt. He’s launching 5 new books soon, which you must check out. They’ll be on Amazon within the next month or so. In the meantime, one of my favorite articles by the Money Counselor is Active Fund Management’s Record.
Money Smart Guides-John of Money Smart Guides comes to you with a history and education of financial expertise. With a certificate in financial planning on top of his college degree, John knows what he’s talking about. He’s also been smart and not-so-smart with his money decisions. He smacked down $10,000 of debt and also blew $30K “fooishly modifying a car”. He understands your situation and is well able to help with your money issues. I particularly like his “Debt Payoff Allstars“. And if his blog isn’t enough for you, he’s got some books available on Amazon.
Young and Thrifty-This Canadian site promotes Saving for Gen Y. Kyle and Justin cover all the personal finance basics in their site. In “Everything in Moderation: Self Imposed Shopping Ban” they talk about avoiding shopping for a specific time period. I like this idea for several reasons, one it gets you out of a ‘spending habit’ and causes you to pause and think a bit. Also, during the ban, you’re not spending (of course it’s a good idea not to go overboard, or you may rebound with a shopping splurge). You may want to sign up for their newsletter since you get a free ETF ebook just for signing up!
Mint-If you haven’t signed up for yet, then ‘What are you waiting for?’ It’s free and it will give you a money framework for your hard earned dollars. From budgeting, bill payment reminders, and credit checks Mint covers the financial bases. Get off your ass and sign up now! Enough said!
Investopedia-This is the top investing information website online-hands down. I’m not biased (even though I’m a regular columnist for Investopedia) because I was a fan, way before I wrote for them. Any investing issue is covered in this site and if you want to learn, then check out their tutorials, they cover everything investing related.
Annual Credit your free credit report here! It’s true, it’s really free.
Credit Sesame-The commercials are correct! Get your free credit score here, now.
So, what’s stopping you? Start now becoming money smart-and move out of Mom’s basement!