EXCITING NEWS: I was selected to deliver a national training in San Francisco this November entitled: Personal Finance Solutions for Busy Mental Health Professionals. This 3 hour workshop includes material from my upcoming eBook about Investing. Stay tuned to get first crack at the NEW EBOOK; and it’s FREE to my readers.
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
Pablo Picasso
Career, life, money; it’s all the same. If you don’t TAKE ACTION, then nothing will happen. Move your life forward.
MAIN TOPIC: The Back-story
Not much grooming for me. I’m more in the camp of, how can I be attractive AS FAST AS POSSIBLE? That said, I never miss my bi-monthly hair appointment. One of the best parts of my trip to “Headquarters” is the forced break from work and the internet, not to mention a plethora of fun magazines to read.
The August issue of Shape had a brief article by Kristin Cooke called “The Best Career Advice You’ll Get for Free.” Succinct writing, with only 3 points, made the article a powerful read. Continue and try out these savvy tips.
1. Embrace Risk
Life is risky and there is no way to avoid it. The risk is magnified if you are interested in going out on your own. To minimize that risk, be smart and do some research first. MAKE SURE THERE IS A MARKET FOR YOUR IDEA. Find out if people are willing to PAY for the product or service and where your idea fits in with the overall market.
Keep your day job while you are testing the waters on your new idea. After you’ve done your research, don’t procrastinate, dive in, and try it out!
2. Connections are your Life Line
After meeting someone, immediately add them to your LinkedIn contacts. Carve out regular time with your contacts to meet in person over coffee or lunch. Don’t forget to keep in touch via email in between the personal visits. Make sure you are on their mind!
Keep your contacts fresh. Use them for job hunting, developing new business, and brainstorm how to help one another.
This one is my FAVORITE. I know and understand this next one, but I have a really hard time putting it into practice regularly.
Do not work all the time. Time off is as important as time on. Take breaks, take a walk, hit some golf balls, get a massage, change the scenery, have a special lunch with your spouse or kids. What about skateboarding?
How it works; When you walk away from a task, your mind is still working and the break increases your creativity and problem solving ability. It also helps combat burn-out. One of my favorite books, Managing Your Mind; The Mental Fitness Guide, by Butler & Hope, goes into depth about this strategy and adds some research as well.
I am living proof that this one works. After all, I here I am at the hair salon, inspired, and writing this article!
Quit working, take a break, change, your scenery, and increase productivity and quality of life!
Have you tried any of these strategies? What were the results?
Get a notebook and label it: “(your name) Personal Finance” and keep it by the computer. Use it to keep all of your personal finance goals, thoughts, activities, and plans.
- Force yourself to take a BREAK from work and do something totally different than normal.
- Write in about the “ALTERNATE ACTIVITY” and discuss how it worked out for you.
Image credit: SanforaQ8
Enjoy this personal finanance reading; stop by their sites to read more.
How to Know When You’re Ready to Invest at Financially Poor
Save Money Help the Environment at Sustainable Life Blog
Don’t Fall Prey To A Victim Mentality. Be Responsible For Your Actions And Live Free at Smart on Money