
Were Savings Account Returns Ever High?

My Savings CD Account Passbook & Links

I’m on a cleaning and purging binge. It boosts  my personal wealth and well being to live in an environment free of clutter (well maybe not clutter free, but with less clutter). The more I focus on what matters most, the better life is.

In my obsessive purging I found some old bank records ready for the shredder.

Records from the late 1980’s and early 1990’s can easily be discarded so I tried to run the whole envelope through the shredder.

But the envelope was too thick to run through the shredder so I opened it up and found an old savings account passbook. For those born after the late 1980’s you may not realize that banks recorded your balance in a booklet, along with the interest rate.

Here’s the record of a certificate of deposit from a Savings and Loan account :

CD Interest Rate 8 %
CD Interest Rate 8 %

I know 23+ years ago is a lifetime for some. But this CD savings account passbook was a reminder that the only constant in life is that things change.

Several decades ago, I would never have believed that savings rates could drop to below 1%.

Granted, inflation was much higher then. In fact, in 1989, inflation ranged from 4.3 to 5.4%. Yet, even with such high inflation rates, the real rate of return on that certificate of deposit was near 3% (that’s over 2% higher than today’s real rate of return).

The point of this information is to be aware that no one knows the future, and the past may or may not be indicative of what’s next.

Even at rock bottom interest rates, everyone needs some cash to access for emergencies, short term spending goals, and day to day expenses. Here are some articles about investing and where to put that short term cash.

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What is the highest return you have ever received on a cash investment? Today, where are you looking to boost your cash returns?

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