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Guest post by Helen Fabe. Helen is a life long expert in personal finance. Helen’s professional employment includes teaching, real estate sales, and philanthropy. While working part time in real estate, she earned a full time income. Let her article inspire you as she has motivated me for many years.
“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” John Wooden
What does it take to be satisfied?
Is it your possessions, your financial assets, your state of mind, or a combination?
Looking at your current budget, try to imagine how much you will need to LIVE COMFORTABLY as you age. If you have children, they’ll be on their own. Your earnings will slow down. Even if you are in your 20’s or 30’s now, use your imagination and visualize your future.
At each ten year period, take a moment to reflect. Look at what you have accomplished. Dwell on your successes. Use the decades to both applaud yourself, plan for your immediate, and long term goals. And that includes, monitoring your attitude. Be alert to the “glass half empty syndrome”.
I have a friend, over 80 years old, who has more assets than I do. Her glass is half empty. She is worried about the future. Although she will not be able to spend all of her money, she constantly seeks reassurance that she is okay.
On the other hand, my glass is half full. I can figure out on paper that if I lived to 110 years old, I’ll be alright. I might have to cut back a bit, but my attitude is sunny.
It might sound simplistic, but consider this mindset: Look at your future life as sunny. Life is not a competition, that whomever has the most wins.
More money will not change who you are. Look at those who have less. (Even Jean Chatzky says this in her book, The Difference.)
If this sounds preachy, relax. Life is an attitude. Financial planning creates control and confidence. Wise living, within your means leads to peace of mind. Practice looking at your wealth in life and keep the glass half full.
Follow Barb’s suggestions and you will be okay. And don’t do something stupid like an IRA withdrawal when it will incur a penalty!
What do you think? Does your attitude impact your your wealth, like my mom implies? What wisdom have you received from your parents over the years?
Get a notebook and label it: “(your name) Personal Finance” and keep it by the computer. Use it to keep all of your personal finance goals, thoughts, activities, and plans.
Write a positive statement on an index card (and keep it handy) to motivate you towards financial and personal success. Here are a few examples:
- Today I will not use my credit card.
- Today I will write down my spending.
- Today I will focus on my successes.
Visit Yakezie.com, the Best Personal Finance Site, for more financial inspiration:
- Member post: Buy Like Buffet
- Member post: Money Green Life
- Member post: Financially Poor
- Member post: Money Beagle
- Member post: Canadian Finance Blog